
dead simple password manager using state of the art encryption
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      1 # Passman: the new standard unix password manager
      2 Passman was inspired by [password-store](, but there are some key differences.
      3 Passman is written in C while password-store is written in Bash, and passman uses state of the art cryptography(XChaCha20-Poly1305, Blake2B, Argon2i) while pass uses old and insecure gnupg(see [the pgp problem](
      4 Passman is about as simple as it gets, and extremely secure.
      5 ## Installation
      6 Note that passman only runs on Linux and BSD(OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD and very likely Macos)
      7 ``
      8 make
      9 make install
     10 ``
     11 then you have it installed.
     12 ### ksh completion
     13 There's ksh configuration written for passman, to install just run `cat ksh-completion >> ~/.kshrc`
     14 ## Usage
     15 * `passman init`:    creates the .passman-store directory and the encryption key, only 1 arg required
     16 * `passman generate [name] [length]`:   generates a password and securely stores it, requires 3 arguments
     17 * `passman show [name]`:    gets and prints a stored password, two args required(show [name])
     18 * `passman insert/add [name]`  prompts you for a password and securely stores it
     19 * `passman list`     walks the ~/.passman-store directory