
dead simple password manager using state of the art encryption
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Makefile (432B)

      1 OS:=$(shell uname)
      2 CC=cc
      3 PREFIX=/usr/local
      4 CFLAGS=-static -Os -march=native
      5 FILES=passman.c third-party/monocypher.c
      6 # passman only supports Linux and BSD, arc4random is native on BSD, and on Linux there's a port included in the source tree
      7 ifeq ($(OS), Linux)
      8 	FILES += third-party/arc4random.c third-party/arc4random_uniform.c
      9 endif
     10 all:
     11 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(FILES) -o passman
     12 clean:
     13 	rm passman
     14 install:
     15 	cp passman $(PREFIX)/bin/