
dead simple, C89 static site generator with markdown support and no external dependencies
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      1 This is an old project I wrote around early 2020. I decided to delete all the old git commits though, this is the project that taught me a lot of the basics of programming.
      2 This projects powers, and is still quite a good static site generator. Very simple, fast, and easy to use.
      3 It's named after adonis, a greek myth.
      4 # Installation
      5 to install adonis-ssg, just run:
      6 ```
      7 make
      8 doas make install
      9 ```
     10 # Usage
     11 ## template.html
     12 You first need to write a template.html to use adonis-ssg.
     13 This is pretty much just the template for all the html files adonis-ssg writes. 
     14 A good example of this is in examples/template.html.
     16 For titles, you should add
     17 ```
     18 <title>INSERT-TITLE</title>
     19 ```
     20 to your template.html
     22 adonis-ssg finds INSERT-TITLE in your template.html, and replaces it with whatever title you put in files.conf
     23 ## files.conf
     24 The config file is pretty much TSV
     25 The first option you need to set is markdown input file, then the title for the article, then html output file. Each option is seperated by "\t"
     26 check the conf file in the examples directory for an example of how this looks
     27 ## actually running adonis-ssg
     28 just run
     29 ```
     30 adonis-ssg files.conf
     31 ```
     32 and it will generate everything